- Plaintiff
- Slep-Tone Entertainment Corporation
- Represented By:
- Harrington, James (Harrington Law, P.C.)
- Defense
- Karaoke Kandy Store, Inc.
- Represented By:
- Okuley, John (Okuley Smith, LLC)
- Recker, Brice (Okuley Smith, LLC)
Slep-Tone makes karaoke discs marketed under their "Sound Choice" trademark, these disc display the trademark when in use. Karaoke Kandy Store copied the disc onto other memory media and sold them to be used for karaoke machines, but the trademark still shows when in use.Because of this, customers will think that Sound Choice and Karaoke Kandy Store are
Verdict for the defense
Recording Disclaimer: This proceeding was recorded in full.
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