Plaintiff Maria Francisco alleges that while riding a public bus, the driver rode over a speed bump at an "excessive speed" and she was tossed into the air and then landed on the plastic seat, causing an injury to the spine.
Maria Francisco:
Medical: 975,677.09- Past, 2,410,288.00- Future
Family Services: 127,472.52
Lost Earnings: 0-Past, 800,266- Future
Non-Economic: 3,000,000- Past, 7,000,000- Future
Mia Cisneros:
Non-Economic: 500,000-Past, 500,000- Future
![]() | 02:13:27 | Witness Direct Examination | Panish, Brian | Jones, Dr. Clement M.D. | Transcript Reading |
Recording Disclaimer: This proceeding was recorded in full.
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