- Plaintiff
- Miyamoto-Workman, Leila
- Represented By:
- Bruno, Keith (Bruno Nalu)
- Rowley, Nicholas (The Rowley Law Firm)
A California state court jury awarded $21.3 million to a woman who was rear-ended by a tractor trailer truck, and the full trial was recorded gavel-to-gavel by Courtroom View Network.
The Los Angeles County jury returned their verdict in a trial that began on January 17. Plaintiff Leila Miyamoto sued food distribution company Services Group of America Inc. after one of their trucks slammed into her car in 2016. Her attorneys claim a distracted and overworked driver hit her while she was stopped and waiting to make a left turn, but the trucks driver maintains she stopped suddenly in front of him.
The case saw two of the countrys most prominent civil trial attorneys go head-to-head over a truck crash that predated the prevalence of modern dash cams. Plaintiff attorney Nick Rowley of Trial Lawyers For Justice led the plaintiff team, and defense
Plaintiff's past economic damages awarded: $825,000
Future economic damages awarded: $6,500,000
Past non-economic damages awarded: $4,000,000
Future non-economic damages awarded: $10,000,000
Recording Disclaimer: This proceeding was recorded in full.
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