- Plaintiff
- Bruno, Kathy
- Represented By:
- Watts, Guy (Watts Guerra)
- Watts, Mikal (Watts Guerra)
- Plaintiff
- Sierra, Desiree
Jury trial in wrongful death suit originally filed in 2013. Kathy Bruno's husband Michael was killed after colliding with a parked Landstar truck after exiting a roadway due to a tire failure. The suit alleges negligence by Landstar's driver for parking too close to the roadway,
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The jury awarded the plaintiffs $19.25 million in compensatory damages.
Wrongful death damages:
Kathy Bruno: $5 million
Rene Bruno: $2 million
Anne Bruno: $2 million
Nina Bruno: $1.25 million
Personal injuries:
Kathy Bruno: $2.5 million
Rene Bruno: $3 million
Desiree Sierra: $3.5 million
Recording Disclaimer: This proceeding was recorded in full.
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