- Plaintiff
- Cohen, Robin
- Defense
- R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Co.
- Represented By:
- Walker, John (Jones Day)
- Parker, Stephanie (Jones Day)
Cohen v. RJ Reynolds is an Engle-progeny tobacco trial Robin Cohen's husband was a smoker who died of cancer in 1994.
The defense argued that Mr. Cohen died of cancer of the pleura, not lung cancer, and therefore Cohen was not a victim of lung cancer caused by smoking.
The jury found that Mr. Cohen died of lung cancer and awarded compensatory and punitive damages of $30M.
Visit the CVN blog for more on Cohen v. R.J. Reynolds or other tobacco litigation.
View a free video clip from the case:
Stephanie Parker cross examines Dr. Gary M. Straus -- Clip 1
Fault: 33.3%- RJ Reynolds, 33.3%-Philip Morris, 33.3%-Cohen
Damages: 10,000,000
Punitive: 10,000,000- RJ Reynolds, 10,000,000-Philip Morris
Recording Disclaimer: This proceeding was recorded in full.
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