- Plaintiff
- Belaski, Ruth
- Represented By:
- Saunders, Joseph (Saunders & Walker, PA)
- Defense
- Doctors Hospital Physical Orginazation
- Represented By:
- Armbruster, Jerry (Dickinson & Gibbons, PA)
The plaintiff's sciatic nerve was permanently injured during hip replacement surgery, resulting in chronic pain. The plaintiff sought over $1M in damages.
The defendant orthopedic surgeon had undergone eye surgery for a detached retina 20 days before the defendant performed the hip replacement surgery on the plaintiff.
The plaintiff allegedly did not know that the defendant would be performing surgery with impaired vision.
The defendant asserted that his vision was only impaired in his left eye, due to an incident that occurred when the defendant was 20 years old, and the defendant had been right-eyed for his entire career. The defendant allegedly had previously performed 2,500 hip replacement surgeries without complication. Therefore, the defendant's overall rate of complications was not below the standard of care.
The jury found in favor of the defendant.
Verdict for the defense
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